What We Do

"I begin to think no animal is more intelligent than an Icelandic horse. Snow, tempest, impractical roads, rocks, icebergs—nothing stops him. He is brave, he is sober; he is safe; he never makes a false step, never glides nor slips from his path."

~ Jules Verne, Journey to the Center of the Earth

Photo of 2 horses from the back
Photo of Becky and horse


The Northeast Icelandic Horse Club was formed in 2003 and is a regional club of the U.S. Icelandic Horse Congress. We currently have over 200 members from throughout the northeastern U.S., including every New England state, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. However, you do not need to reside in the northeast to join our club!

The members of the Board of Directors are:
Emily Potts: President
Hilary Houldsworth: Vice President
Nancy Rohlfs: Treasurer
Leah Greenberger: Fundraising
Ona Kwiatkowski: Promotion, Education & Youth
Brigit Huwyler: USIHC Liaison
Shelby Walker: Promotion, Education & Youth
Brynja Meehan: Board Youth Representative

Andrea Smith: Clerk
Linda McLaughlin: Secretary
Amy Goddard: Membership & Special Projects

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